Dr. Chad Evaschesen
Clinical Instructor, Lions Gate Hospital
Chad Evaschesen
Clinical Instructor
Lions Gate Hospital, Squamish General Hospital
Suite 202, 1133 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver, V7M 2H4
Fax: 604-971- 9577
Tel: 604-770- 4489
I am a community gastroenterologist at Lions Gate and Squamish General Hospital. My general GI practice involves a variety of luminal, liver and inflammatory bowel disease. In the past I have worked as a GI in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island. Most of my training including undergraduate medical training and internal medicine residency were done at UBC. I completed my GI fellowship at the Alberta University Hospital in Edmonton. My hometown is Vernon, BC and I am a proud dad of Cooper and Portia.
Most of my research involves inflammatory bowel disease. I am currently involved with some quality improvement projects to improve the GI referral process on the North Shore and hopefully streamline the referral process, reduce unnecessary referrals and reduce GI wait times. We are also working with developing certain treatment algorithms that family physicians can utilize for common GI complaints prior to initiating a GI referral.
Having students and residents is a great learning opportunity both for myself as well as for the students. There have been many mentors during my education and teaching allows me to give back to the education system that helped me. I have been involved with teaching undergraduate medical students, internal medicine residents as well as GI fellows since entering practice. I have given clinical teaching sessions, didactic lectures and was recently the co-chair for the Jaundice Week for the UBC undergraduate curriculum.
Ma C, Evaschesen CJ, Gracias G, Huang VW, Fedorak DK, Kroeker Kl, Dieleman LA, Halloran BP, Fedorak RN. "Inflammatory bowel disease patients are frequently nonadherent to scheduled induction and maintenance infliximab therapy: A Canadian cohort study." Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Jun 12. pii 16957
Halloran B, Chang J, Shih DQ, MCGovern D, Famulski K, Evaschesen C, Fedorak RN, Thiesen A, Targan S, Halloran PF. “Molecular patterns in human ulcerative colitis and correlation with response to infliximab.” Inflamm Bowel Dis 2014 Dec 20(12):2353:63
Evaschesen C, Mangat B, Yoshida EM, and Salh B. “Probable over-representation of asian patients with ischemic colitis.” Can J Gastroenterol. 2012 Feb; 26 Supplement SA
Evaschesen C, Gracias G, Osatiuk P, and Fedorak RN. “Majority of patients on maintenance infliximab are late for regularly scheduled infusions: a retrospective cohort study.” Can J Gastroenterol. 2011; 25 Supplement A
Mangat BK, Evaschesen C, Lee T, Yoshida EM, Salh B. “Ethnic variation in the annual rates of adult inflammatory bowel disease in hospitalized patients in Vancouver, British Columbia.” Can J Gastroenterol. 2011 Feb; 25(2) 73-7.