Dr. Hin Hin Ko
St. Paul’s Hospital
Hin Hin Ko, BSc (Pharm), MD, FRCPC
Clinical Professor
St. Paul’s Hospital
Phone: (604) 688-6332
Fax: (604) 689-2004
Dr. Ko completed the Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the
University of British Columbia in 2000. She then completed medical training at
the University of Toronto in 2004, followed by Internal Medicine residency and
Gastroenterology fellowship at the University of British Columbia in 2009. After
the gastroenterology fellowship, she pursued sub-specialty training in Hepatology
and Nutrition at U of T. Upon return to Vancouver in 2011, She became part of
Pacific Gastroenterology Associates and staff physician at St. Paul’s Hospital.
Her research interests lie in the area of liver diseases, such as viral hepatitis,
autoimmune liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. She is currently
involved in projects looking at the impact of Hep C treatment on quality of life,
and fibrosis regression. Dr. Ko also had an interest in primary sclerosing cholangitis
and hopes to identify predictors of progression of disease. Lastly, She had an
interest in eosinophilic esophagitis and with the collaboration of a pediatric
gastroenterologist and allergist, hopes to gain more insight into the natural
history and treatment of this condition.
Dr. Ko has always enjoyed teaching medical students, residents and fellows. She also
feels strongly about educating the general population and hopes to disseminate
knowledge to improve gastrointestinal and liver health.
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Gastroenterology
Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
Canadian Association of Study of Liver Disease
American Association of Study of Liver Disease
European Association for the Study of the Liver
American Gastroenterology Association
American College of Gastroenterology
Alpha Omega Alpha Honour Society
Canadian Medical Association
1. Ou G, Ko HH, Tiwari P, Sandhu N, Galaport, C, Lee T, Ezzat H. Utility of
transient elastography in estimating hepatic iron concentration in
comparison to magnetic resonance imaging in patients who are
transfusion-dependent: a Canadian centre experience. Hemoglobin (in
2. Yau AH, Xiong W, Ko HH. Collagenous enterocolitis manifesting as
watery diarrhea and iron-deficiency anemia. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Sept 7.
3. Yau AH, Lee T, Ramji A, Ko HH. Rate, delay and predictors of hepatitis C
treatment in British Columbia. Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015; 29(6):
4. Teoh T, Chan ES, Avinashi V, Ko HH, Goldman RD. Diagnosis and
management of eosinophilic esophagitis in children. Can Fam Physician.
2015; 61(8): 687-90.
5. Wong JC, Yau AH, Ko HH. Unusual rectal foreign body for drug screen
evasion. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Dec 22.
6. Yau AH, Chu K, Yang HM, Ko HH. Rectal ulcers induced by systemic
lupus erythematosus. BMJ Case Rep. 2014. Aug 22.
7. Wong T, Ko HH, Chan ES. IgE-mediated allergy to wheat in a child with
celiac disease – a case report. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. 2014, 10:56.
8. Ou G, Kim E, Lakzadeh P, Tong J, Enns RA, Ramji A, Whittaker S, Ko
HH, Bressler B, Halparin H, Lam E, Amar J, Telford J. A randomized
controlled trial assessing the effect of patient position change during
colonoscopy withdrawal on adenoma detection. Gastrointest Endosc
2014 Aug; 80(2): 277-83.
9. Brahmania M, Ou G, Bressler B, Ko HH, Lam E, Telfrod J, Enns R. 2L
versus 4L of PEG3350 + electrolytes for outpatient colonic preparation: a
randomized, controlled trial. Gastrointest Endosc. 2014 Mar: 79(3): 408-
10. Yau AHL, Ou G, Galoport C, Amar J, Bressler B, Donnellan F, Ko HH,
Lam E, Enns RA. Safety and efficacy of Hemospary® in upper
gastrointestinal bleeding. Can J Gastroenterol. Feb 2014; 28(2): 72-76.
11. Kim E, Ko HH, Yoshida EM. A concise review of hepatitis C in heart and
lung transplantation. Can J Gastroenterol. 2011. 25(8): 445-8.
12. Ko HH, Wong DKH, Heathcote J. Management of Hepatitis B. Clin
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2011; 9(5): 385-91. FA
13. Kim E, Ko HH, Yoshida EM. Treatment issues surrounding hepatitis C in
renal transplantation: a review. Ann Hepatol. 2011; 10(1): 5-14.
14. Bach H, Ko HH, Raizman EA, et al. Immunogenicity of Mycobacterium
avium subsp. paratuberculosis proteins in Crohn’s disease patients.
Scand J Gastroenterol. 2011; 46(1): 30-39.