Dr. Vladmir Marquez
Vancouver General Hospital
Dr. Vladimir Marquez
MDCM, M.Sc (Epidemiology), FRCPC
Clinical Assistant Professor
Vancouver General Hospital
Diamond Health Care Center
5153-2775 Laurel Street
Vancouver, BC
V5Z 1M9
Dr. Vladimir Marquez is a gastroenterologist and transplant hepatologist at the Vancouver General Hospital. He has an undergraduate degree in biochemistry, medical degree and masters in clinical epidemiology from McGill University. He did his internal medicine and gastroenterology residency at Laval University and his fellowship in transplant hepatology at UBC. His areas of interest include portal hypertension, liver failure and vascular liver diseases. He is also actively involved in the management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
My principal research interests are in clinical outcomes of liver transplantation, liver failure, portal hypertension and its complications.
February 2016 Pathogenesis and Treatment of Liver Failure, Faculty of Medicine MMED 422 UBC
February 2016 Viral Hepatitis and Drug Induced Liver Injury, Faculty of Medicine MMED 422 UBC
November 2016 Liver Transplantation for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Liver Transplant Group Retreat
November 2016 Liver Transplantation ICU Liver Transplant Day, Vancouver General Hospital
September 2016 Measures of Disease Frequency, Academic Quarter Day Gastroenterology Fellows, Vancouver Canada
September 2016 Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology, Academic Quarter Day Gastroenterology Fellows, Vancouver Canada
July 2016 Protocols and Databases, Academic Quarter Day Gastroenterology Fellows, Vancouver Canada
July 2016 Decompensated Liver Disease, Internal Medicine Boot Camp University of British Columbia
June 2016 Interventional Methods in the Management of Portal Hypertension
Advances in Gastroenterology Conference, Whistler BC June 2016 Liver Transplantation ICU Fellows Academic Half-Day
September 2015 Blood Tests for the Diagnosis of Liver Disease, FMED 424 GI Block, UBC
September 2015 Viral Hepatitis and Drug Induced Liver Injury, Faculty of Medicine FMED 424 GI Block, UBC
September 2015 Malabsorption syndromes, , Faculty of Medicine FMED 424 GI Block, UBC
June 2015 Utility of TIPS in the Management of Vascular Liver Diseases, Medical Grand Round, Vancouver General Hospital
January 2015 Acute Liver Failure, Department of Medicine Academic Half-day, UBC
September 2014 Blood Tests for the Diagnosis of Liver Disease, FMED 424 GI Block, UBC
September 2014 Viral Hepatitis and Drug Induced Liver Injury, Faculty of Medicine FMED 424 GI Block, UBC
September 2014 Liver Transplantation: From Contemplation to Long-term Management, Practice Support Program-HCV Seminar
June 2014 Ascites and Renal Failure in Cirrhosis, Advances in Gastroenterology Conference, Whistler Canada
May 2014 Management of Portal Hypertension in Cirrhosis, CRIM Conference, Vancouver Canada
March 2014 Portal Hypertension in Cirrhosis, Hepatitis C Preceptorship, St-Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver Canada
February 2014 Case-Control Studies, Academic Quarter Day Gastroenterology Fellows, Vancouver Canada
January 2014 Liver Transplantation, Academic Quarter Day, Surgical Junior Residents, Vancouver, Canada
December 2013 Introduction to Clinical Epidemiology, Academic Quarter Day Gastroenterology Fellows, Vancouver Canada
December 2013 Ethical considerations of liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma, Vancouver, Canada, Funded by CIHR
September 2013 Interdisciplinary Viral Hepatitis Workshop, Vancouver, Canada
September 2013 Liver Seminar Session, UBC medical students, Vancouver, Canada
March 2013 Educational Session on Colorectal Cancer Screening, Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada, Funded by CIHR
2015- European Association for the Study of Liver
2014- International Ascites Club
2014- American Association for the Study of Liver
2013- Canadian Association for the Study of Liver
2011- Canadian Association of Gastroenterology
2011-2015 American Gastroenterological Association
2011 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC)
In Gastroenterology
2010 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (FRCPC)
In Internal Medicine
1. Impact of Cytolysis Following Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Marquez Azalgara V, Sylvestre MP, Wartelle Bladou C, Perrault P, Bouchard L, Grégoire P, Pomier-Layrargues G. The Journal Of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Vol 4, no 1, March 2013
2. Antimitochondrial Antibody Serocoversion Post-Liver Transplant During Hepatitis C Treatment with Peginterferon α , Ribavirin and Telaprevir. Vladimir Marquez-Azalgara, Trana Hussaini, Siegfried R. Erb, Eric M. Yoshida; Annals of Hepatology Vol 13, no 5, September-October 2014
3. Hepatology Highlights R. Pai, V. Marquez Azalgara, E. Yoshida Annals of Hepatology, Vol.13 No.4, 2014
4. Rates of Minor Adverse Events and health resource utilization postcolonsocopy V. Marquez Azalgara, M. Sewitch, L. Joseph, A. Barkun Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Vol 28, issue 11, Dec. 2014
5. First confirmed case of native polyomavirus BK nephropathy in a liver transplant Recipient seven years post-transplant. Y. Zeng, A. Magil, T. Hussaini, CK Yeung, SR Erb, V. Marquez-Azalgara, EM Yoshida Annals of Hepatology, Vol. 14 No. 1 Jan-Feb 2015
6. Drug Interactions with Direct-Acting Antivirals for Hepatitis C: Implications for HIV and Transplant Patients. Burgess S, Partovi N, Yoshida EM, Erb SR, Azalgara VM, Hussaini T. Ann Pharmacother. 2015 Jun; 49 (6): 674-687
7. Patient Preference and Willingess to Pay for Fibroscan ® (Transient Elastography) Versus Liver Biopsy: A British Columbian Perspective V. Kan, V. Marquez, J. Ford, P. Kwan, S. Erb, E. Yoshida Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2015 Mar; 29(2) 72-6
8. Hepatitis C (Chronic) Yau AH, Marquez-Azalgara V, Yoshida EM BMJ Clin Evid. 2015 Jun 24; 2015
9. Seroprevalences of hepatitis B virus an hepatitis C virus among participants of an Asian health fair in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia Ip S, Ford JA, Lau K, Marquez V, Guan M, Klassen C, Chan J, Kwan WP, Krajden M, Yoshida EM Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol. 2015 Jul-Aug;26(4):196- 200
10. A review of direct-acting antivirals for the treatment of hepatitis C in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. Maruyama A, Partovi N, Yoshida EM, Erb SR, Azalgara VM, Hussaini T. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015 Oct 19
11. Response to sildenafil in a patient with coexisting post-liver transplant portopulmonary hypertension and hepatopulmonary syndrome. Turgeon RD, Hussaini T, Partovi N, Erb SR, Nador R, Marquez Azalgara V, Yoshida EM (Accepted Experimental and Clinical Transplantation)
12. Successful treatment of hepatitis C with simeprevir, sofosbuvir and ribavirin in an HIV- coinfected liver transplant patient with advanced chronic kidney disease Maruyama A, Hussaini T, Partovi N, Erb SR , Marquez Azalgara V, Zalunardo NY, Pick N, Hull M, Yoshida EM (Accepted Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology)
13. Endoscopic Evaluation of Graft-Versus- Host Disease: Retrospective Review from a Tertiary Centre. Ip S, Marquez V, Schaeffer D, Donnellan F
14. The Utility of monitoring gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) levels post-liver transplantation: A longitudinal retrospective analysis Shahidi N, Marquez Azalgara V, Yoshida EM. Exp Clin Transplant. 2016;14, 3:317-322
Ursodeoxyxcholic acid in Treatment of Non-coholestatic Liver Diseases: A Systematic Review Reardon J, Yoshida EM, Al Sahafi M, Marquez Azalgara V, Erb SR, Partovi N, Hussaini T. Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology Interaction of Gender and Hepatitis C in risk of Chronic Renal Failure after Liver Transplantation Ip S, Hussaini T, Daulat A, Partovi N, Erb SR, Yoshida EM, Marquez V. Annals of Hepatology
Overlapping features of IgG4-related disease and lymphocyte-variant hypereosinophilic syndrome. Carruthers MN, Park S, Slack GW, Dalal BI, Skinninder BF, Schaeffer DF, Dutz JP, Law, JK, Donnellan F, Marquez V, Seidman M, Wong PC, Mattman A, Chen L